Thursday, December 27, 2012


Here's the funny thing, I've never wanted to write a blog, never wanted to expose my dirty laundry.  However some of this stuff is just too funny or too infuriating to pass up.  I know that everyone says this as the opening line to their blog.  I guess some people, including myself, just can't resist the urge to blurt things out to the few people that actually follow their blog.  Am I one of those guys that thinks that I will develop and maintain one of the top blogs?  Hell no, I neither have the time nor the energy to devote.  I just thought it would be kind of fun to give it a shot.

A little about  me:  I'm a 32 year old divorced dad of a 3 year old little girl.  When I found out that it was a girl my mother laughed at me and said that God was getting revenge on me.  Little did we know that my little girl would arrive with blonde hair and blue eyes.  Yes, God has a sick sense of humor.  And now that she talks, and oh my lord does that child talk, she has her mothers mouth and my personality, lord help us all.  Don't get me wrong, if you follow along you will quickly realize that she is the light of my life.  There is nothing in this world more important to me than the safety and welfare of that little girl.

I work in Florida politics so you'll probably get increasingly annoyed by incessant long winded rants about political issues of the day.  If you don't agree with me and my stances that's fine.  I have two rules with debating issues, if you can't back up your information, don't put it out there, and the other being don't be rude.

To continue on about my work, nothing contained within this blog in any way expresses the views of my clients, this is 100% me.

I love to tell stories about what is going on around me, my daughters epic mouth, and the things that come out of it, you'll see.  I am lucky enough to be surrounded by an incredible group of people that I can call my friends.  My family has been a huge influence on my life, my mother especially.  My family is anything but short on personality.

My girlfriend, who currently lives with me is also a huge supporting role in my life.  She is a kind, caring soul who is also phenomenal with kids.  She has helped me to develop into the kind of dad that I want to be for my daughter.  I can't say enough great things about her.  However, as intelligent as she is, and believe me the girl is incredibly bright, she has a continuous stream of complete brain farts.  Some of the things that come out of her mouth are even more surprising and idiotic than the 3 year olds.  But not to belabor the point, she is an amazing human being.

I love to surf, it is one of my greatest passions.  Luckily my daughter also enjoys the beach, so we get to go down and visit the grandparents pretty frequently and enjoy the bounties of the beautiful florida coast.  One day soon I will have that kid on her own surfboard and all will be right with the world.

Apparently I have also become somewhat of a go-to person for people going through divorces.  As much as I like being a person that people turn to for advice on this issue my heart breaks for them.  Divorce is an ugly thing, it's not fun for anyone.  I left my wife almost three years ago and fought like hell for a 50-50 time share split.  As I said before, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for my daughter, and I walked away from almost everything in the course of the divorce to gain that time share with her.  Through the life of this thing I'll probably also make a few posts about the process and what I went through and the things that I still have to deal with.  Make no question about it, being a divorced parent isn't easy, especially when the parents have completely different parenting styles.

Well I think I've said more than enough for the first post.  Let the rambling posts begin!

1 comment:

  1. That's really a sad thing for society and kids in particular from divorced families. We will never have world peace if we can't have peace in our families.

